Title: Irresistible You: Smart and Schique Solutions for Clear, Radiant, Youthful Skin
Author: Jacqueline Schaffer, MD
Amanda Rooker’s contribution to project: Book proposal, manuscript writing, publisher liaison, marketing copy.
Acknowledgments: Amanda Rooker has the amazing talent to put my words into writing. I enjoyed our discussions and long hours on the phone. I truly look forward to the next book project with Amanda.
Book Description (from Amazon):
Clinical Dermatology Meets Cosmopolitan: Real Solutions for Your Skin Care Problems
As a medical doctor and daughter of a skin-cancer survivor, Dr. Jacqueline Schaffer has made it her mission to educate women about what creates a lifetime of vibrant, beautiful skin- and what doesn’t. Whether you want to clear up your acne naturally, soothe eczema flare-ups, or gently turn back the clock, IRRESISTIBLE YOU is the first and last book you’ll need to become your smart, sexy, sophisticated self, inside and out.