A belated thank you to Janice Law for inviting several of us American women ghostwriters to the National Press Club in Washington, DC in January! It was wonderful to meet fellow ghostwriters Joyce Winslow, Nancy Dorman-Hickson, and Charlotte Reather – who have not only written books for some amazing celebrities and experts, but are extremely accomplished in their own right. If you’d like to watch the video of our panel, visit the American Women Writers National Museum and click on the YouTube icon on the left to view all videos. (Don’t worry – no confidentiality clauses were broken; everything was strictly on the record. An NPR reporter was there to keep us honest. 🙂
Janice has done a wonderful job of creating a national stage for women writers who often labor well under the radar – despite the fact that most book readers, writers, and buyers are women! On the other hand, I was humbled to see that our group photo on the AWWNM website was nestled between photos of mega-bestselling author Nora Roberts and legendary songwriter Carole King, also previous panelists. To learn more about Janice’s project, visit the American Women Writers National Museum online, and if you’re in the DC area, put their next event on your calendar! It’s a wonderful opportunity to personally meet some incredibly accomplished writers and like-minded book lovers.
Thanks to Nancy Dorman-Hickson for the photo above, as well.