In the first post of this blog series, we explained how the four stages of the book writing process are like a map for the whole writing process—both the internal and the external journey. We also shared Phase 1 of the book writing process: idea incubation, or when your book is writing you. When you can see the gifts in your challenges and understand how you’re the hero of your own journey, you’re ready for Phase 2: Shifting from Hero to Mentor.

Phase 2: Core Content: Shifting from Hero to Mentor

What does this writing phase look like?

Here you shift from being the hero of your own journey to becoming a mentor for others. You are now focused on your readers’ needs, and how you can best serve them through what you have learned. This phase is all about clarification and taking the first step of publicly sharing your ideas and receiving feedback. You are building a bridge between where your readers are and what you believe would serve them best.

What tools, support, and/or actions are most helpful?

  • Clarify who you are and what is yours to do: your purpose, your story, and your message.
  • Clarify who you are meant to serve and their deepest wants and needs.
  • Clarify how what you have learned helps meet their specific wants and needs – what is the journey or process that will take them from where they are to the solution or lesson you have?
  • Begin to share your ideas publicly in a way where you can get quick feedback from your readers/listeners, such as conversations, talks, spotlights, support groups, online seminars, blog posts, or an e-booklet.

How do I know I’m ready to transition to the next phase?

  • You have a clear and proven story or process you feel passionate about sharing.
  • Your target readers/listeners are clearly energized and activated by your ideas – and want more.
  • You have collected enough experiences, client examples, or stories to know your ideas have a positive impact on people who didn’t know you personally before.
  • You have an inspirational story or multi-step process that translate well into a long-form book.

Questions for reflection:

  • Are you in Phase 2?
  • If so, what tool, resource, or action will you use to support yourself and take the next step forward?

If you’d like additional support or feedback about your writing journey, I’d love to connect. Email me at, or schedule a free consult at

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