In the previous three posts of this blog series, we shared Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 of the book writing process, as part of a map for the internal and the external journey of writing a book.

When your manuscript draft has been completed, professionally edited, and positively reviewed by beta readers in your target market, it’s time for Phase 4: Share Your Work!

Phase 4: Sharing Your Work: Continue Your Cycle of Growth

What does this writing phase look like?

You have completed your manuscript and have handed it off to your copyeditor or publisher! Congratulations! Here’s where the publishing machine takes over, and you are actively marketing your book and sharing your work. You’re also staying in close touch with your readers, receiving their feedback, and paying attention to what kind of support they might need after reading your book, so you can develop additional ways of serving them.

What tools, support, and/or actions are most helpful?

  • Based on the marketing plan you developed earlier, recruit your trusted partners to help you with marketing, website development, and additional product/service development (like online courses, workshops, etc.).
  • Develop authentic, organic relationships with your readers
  • Develop new resources to support your—and your readers’—ongoing development

How do I know I’m ready to transition to the next phase?

  • Yes, there is a next phase! If you are committed to a life of personal growth and service, there is always more to learn.
  • If you are intentionally on a path of lifelong learning and service, Phase 4 will naturally reconnect to Phase 1.
  • New experiences and challenges will come your way, and when they do, intentionally start the idea incubation phase again, so that another idea can be planted in your life, and you can continue your ongoing journey of creative growth and service.

Questions for reflection:

  • Are you in Phase 4?
  • If so, what tool, resource, or action will you use to support yourself and take the next step forward into a continuing cycle of growth?

If you’d like additional support or feedback about your writing journey, I’d love to connect. Email me at, or schedule a free consult at

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